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Learning from Success | CEPF

Sharing best practices within the conservation community is one way to enable the most effective use of funding and effort.

CEPF’s “Building on Success” learning resource series provides tools for this kind of exchange by highlighting proven conservation approaches from around the globe. Six innovative learning products describe best practices from three biodiversity hotspots—Cerrado, Eastern Afromontane and Indo-Burma—but the lessons are valuable well beyond the boundaries of those regions.


This is how much it actually costs to climb Mount Everest

Towering approximately 29,032 feet over the Himalayas (and growing every year), Mount Everest is the tallest mountain in the world. To date, over 6,000 climbers have reached its pinnacle. It takes years of physical conditioning and technical know-how to reach the top, even with the assistance of a team of sherpas to help you. And then there’s the financial outlay.

Permits, air transportation, gear, oxygen, ground transport, food, time off from work — it all racks up pretty quickly. Whether you’

Best Things to Do in North Cascades National Park

Discover the best things to do in North Cascades National Park including camping, lodging, hiking, paddling, & the best time to visit.

Spanning over 500,000 acres, North Cascades National Park in Washington is an alpine wonderland featuring vibrant lakes, thickly forested valleys, over 300 glaciers, and the most rugged peaks of the Cascade Range. With such prominent peaks and exceptional natural features, it’s no surprise that the park has been nicknamed the “American Alps”.

With its towering

The Health Benefits of Hiking

Hiking is a great way to get outside, move your body, and explore new places. And it turns out, it’s really good for you, too. In fact, hiking’s many physical and mental health benefits make it one of the best workouts for both your body and your mind. It’s also relatively accessible compared to many sports. Hikers of any age or ability level can find a hike that will provide them with an appropriate challenge.

In the last year and a half, many people around the world have taken up hiking for s

Best Time to Visit Great Smoky Mountains National Park

Straddling the North Carolina-Tennessee border in the southeastern United States, the Great Smoky Mountains are home to cascading waterfalls, lush old-growth forests, and picturesque mountain peaks. This popular National Park, which spans over 500,000 acres, provides a glorious setting for year-round adventures, such as hiking, backpacking, kayaking, and bicycling. Each year, the park experiences four distinct seasons that attract millions who are eager to experience its abundant wildlife, roari

What To Pack On Your Backpacking Trip | Blog

What To Pack For A Backpacking Trip

Backpacking is the ultimate outdoor activity; you get the opportunity to focus on your surroundings and enjoy a reprieve from everyday life. If you pack simply, you’ll get the chance to explore the outdoors with just the essentials. You might be wondering: what’s considered essential? Well, that depends on the length, duration, and location of your trip. But because backpacking requires you to carry everything on your back, it’s important to strike the balanc